Lynette Federer interview

Lynette Federer talks about Roger, the twins and the Federer family life.


Everything was about Tennis from the day one for the Family Federer. Lynette still does try to support her son Roger today with advices and as a babysitter for the twins. In this interview Lynette talks about being the mother of “King Roger”, about the family business and her grandchildren.



Lynette Federer, 60, about her son Roger as a child:


“As soon as he was walking Roger had a strong urge to be moving around”, she remembers. “He was already a very activ as a child. He was always on the move with any kind of ball, it was just fascinating for him”. And his exceptional talent was early noticed: Little Roger managed both to throw a ball on the target and catch it very well.

About Roger’s secret of success:


According to his mother, the recipe is very simple: “Roger is a dedicated tennis player. The game fascinates him”, says Lynette Federer. “You just realize that is in his heart and soul and that is the only way he is able to be so successful over all the years”.

full interview here

english translation here