Let’s Make an Andy Roddick Birthday Video!

Andy Roddick is turning 31 years old!
Andy Roddick is turning 31 years old!

Andy Roddick is celebrating his birthday on August 30th and I would love your help to make it super special for him.

@TennisFangirl and I are going to put together a birthday video from you!!  If you would like to be involved all you need to do is send us a photo of yourself holding a birthday message for Andy with your name/twitter name and country on it, or if you prefer, make a poster, draw something or whatever you want and photograph it, hopefully Roger’s video will give you some ideas of what to do! MAKE IT AS FUN AND CREATIVE AS POSSIBLE! 😀

Please email your birthday jpg to aces@lovesetmatch.org and please post on @sourcesyndicate that you sent it so I can make sure I credit you!

Rogers’s Birthday Video



At the end of the video, I am going to ask everyone to make a donation to the Andy Roddick foundation in lieu of a birthday present 🙂

Deadline for your picture to submit is August 29th midnight PST time.  Not much time left so please do it ASAP!


check back here to see who will be included in the video!


Passionate Tennis player and team leader of the LoveSetMatch tennis blog living in the city of Angeles. Check out our podcast "TennisPal Chronicles" and say hi @LoveSetMatch_