Bethanie Mattek-Sands with Google Glass for Tennis Training
The always colorful and very unique player Bethanie Mattek-Sands has been accepted by the gods of Google to test the new Google Glass technology for tennis. Watch this very intriguing video on how Mattek-Sands uses Google Glass to organize her life, train in tennis and keeps her on time.
[youtube=]“I’m really stoked I get to work with Google and test out something that is brand new on the market,” Mattek-Sands said. “All of the players at Wimbledon have been asking about (the glasses). You get viewpoints that have never been accessed before,” Mattek-Sands said.
Mattek-Sands has been working alongside her coach to take a closer look inside what the eye sees. The video really does show the player’s perspective.
“My coach really liked the viewpoint,” Mattek-Sands said. “We had a chance to look at it on the computer and it was a cool training tool.”